Your body is a remarkable machine. Put the right fuels into it, whole, local, fresh, unprocessed, chemical-free foods found right in your grocery store, and it will run like it should. Give it optimal nutrition, and it can protect itself and help prevent illness. We have researched the global food market and nature’s gardens to discover which foods provide the healthiest benefits – the foods that are shared across tables in the world’s key Longevity Hot Spots.
Here is a list of many of the foods we will use in the recipes to come.
Acai berries | Ginger |
Apples | Goji berries |
Apricots | Green tea |
Avocados | Mushrooms |
Blueberries | Red Wine and Resveratrol |
Beans | Soy |
Brassica vegetables | Spinach |
Buckwheat | Sprouted Foods |
Chocolate (cacao) | Sweet Potatoes |
Chlorella and Spirulina | Tomato Paste and Tomatoes |
Cinnamon | Turmeric |
Flax | Yogurt |
Garlic |
Diane Haworth and Michael Varbaek
Longevity Researchers
(619) 743-4263
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